Montag, 25. August 2014

Finally there

Its my day 2 now. On the evening I arrived my whole hostfamily picked me up and we drove home and I fall asleep. The second day, we were going to church and I met some people from my highschool and after 3 hours of church I was really tired so I slept really early. And today I was at my new school and it was really full. I choosed that I want to be a senior and I recieved my schedule and my ID card.
Really cool info: my hostfamily likes nutella.
The weather over here is really nice and everybody I meet are really nice too.(or they think they speak german-funny thing)
In 1 1/2 week I will have my first day of school and I am really scared for that.
Today in the afternoon I'll went shopping with my hostmum and my hostsiblings.
And I will post sometime after school starts again.


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